Business Plan


In addition, you should consider the costs, benefits, and restrictions of different government agencies.

Region-specific business expenses

When you calculate your startup costs, take into account the way different expenses might cost more or less depending on your location.

Costs that can vary significantly by location include standard salaries, minimum wage laws, property values, rental rates, business insurance rates, utilities, and government licenses and fees.

If you buy, rent, build, or plan to work out of a physical property for your business, make sure it conforms to local zoning requirements.

Neighborhoods are generally zoned for either commercial or residential use. You'll need to make a strategic decision about which state, city, and neighborhood you choose to start your business in.

Research the best place to locate your business

You'll need to register your business, pay taxes, and get licenses and permits in the place you choose to locate your business.

Where you locate your business depends in part on the location of your target market, business partners, and your personal preferences. Zoning ordinances can restrict or entirely ban specific kinds of businesses from operating in an area.

You might have fewer zoning restrictions if you base your business out of your home, but zoning ordinances can still apply even to home-based businesses.

Zoning laws are typically controlled at the local level, so check with your department of city planning, or similar office, to find out about the zoning laws in your area. Small Business 

Business Guide

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Launch your business

Pick your business location

Choose a business structure

Choose your business name

Register your business

Get federal and state tax ID numbers

Apply for licenses and permits

Open a business bank account

Get business insurance

Business Guide/Launch your business/Pick your business location

Pick your business location

Your business location determines the taxes, zoning laws, and regulations your business will be subject to.

John and Kelly list what they need in a location for their auto repair shop and search the local area to see what’s available.

After evaluating all of their options, they decide to buy a large garage that’s close to business ready. The building is located near a major highway, so drivers can easily spot the business and its signs. John and Kelly search the U.S. Census Bureau website and find that 75% of households in the county have at least one automobile.

Before buying the building, John and Kelly consult a knowledgeable real estate lawyer who walks them through the fine print of the contract. They also contact the local planning agency to make sure the building is located in an appropriate business zone.

John and Kelly find out that the down payment and closing costs of the building add up to more than they budgeted for their business location. But the state offers loans specifically for small businesses. John and Kelly’s auto repair shop also qualifies for tax incentives because it’s located in an underutilized area.

With money from the state loan and tax incentives, John and Kelly are able to purchase the Adding a new “Legacy” employee provision:

Businesses may now count long-term resident employees as permanent residents, with proper documentation. This does not apply to firms or employees located in a Area or Qualified Disaster Area.

Firms must now and once certified, will be eligible for all contracts for which it qualifies as small, for a period of one year.  Full documentation reviews will be required every three years.

Simplifying contract verification

A firm certified at the time of initial offer will generally be considered a small business throughout the life of that contract, and a firm that receives a contract must attempt to maintain 35% employment of residents by demonstrating that it employs at least 20% residents and is making substantive and documented efforts to hire residents.

We are expanding and stabilizing the footprint 

Creating predictability with designations: 

All maps are frozen through June 30, 2023 and will now be updated every five years.

Expanding  rural 

New Governor-designated areas will reach more rural communities with high unemployment.

Supporting long-term investment in communities.

Small businesses that purchase a building or enter a long-term lease of 10 years or more may Participating in one of these SBA programs means you’ll have fewer businesses to compete with to win a government contract.

However, you must meet eligibility requirements and certify your business’ economic status before you can bid on a set-aside contract maintain one eligibility for up to 10 years, building for their auto repair shop.In some cases, sole-source contracts must be published publicly, and will be marked with an intent to sole source. Potential vendors can still view and bid on these contracts. Once the bidding process begins, the intent to sole-source may be withdrawn.

Some set-asides are open to any small business, but some are open only to small businesses who participate in SBA contracting assistance programs.


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